Kidney Cancer Association – Strong alone. Unstoppable together.
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Be a KCA Ambassador!

KCA Ambassadors are passionate about kidney cancer and about sharing their passion with others. Take your interests and skills and Orange Up! 

Your Pledge to the KCA

As a KCA Ambassador, I pledge to support the mission, values, and goals of the KCA and share this passion with others to make a meaningful impact for the kidney cancer community.

Our Pledge to You

The KCA pledges to value contributions, ideas, and efforts from KCA Ambassadors and will include you in important information designated for KCA internal stakeholders. We rely on you to be our eyes, arms, and voice in your community.

Champion the KCA. Add "KCA Ambassador" and to your email signature.
Share our resources. Tell your physician about the KCA's Just Diagnosed Toolkit and order one for FREE from our Patient Navigator Program.
Share your story by writing a guest blog. Let others with kidney cancer know they're not alone.
Plan a creative fundraiser.
Advocate to your representatives for more kidney cancer research funding
Be a social media superstar. Tag #kidneycancer and #unstoppabletogether when you share your posts.
Sport the orange with swag from the KCA store
Participate in the KCA's 76K Challenge in June
Donate. Every dollar goes towards research and programs.



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