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Take The Kidney Cancer Fitness Challenge!




KCA Fitness Challenge

Did you know that exercise can play a key role in your recovery from cancer?  Here's a fun way to improve your fitness, overall health, and your emotional response to cancer.  Join the KCA Summer Fitness Challenge and stay active, while raising funds for the world's oldest, largest, and most trusted kidney cancer charity, the Kidney Cancer Association (KCA). You don't have to travel, join a group, or commit to a specific exercise program--just get off the sofa! 

Commit to an ongoing program of healthy physical activity this month and confirm your participation by texting KCA to 80100 to donate $10. Can't donate from your phone? No problem, you may donate online or mail a small contribution to any of the postal addresses listed on this web page.

Remember it's important to consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. When you accept the KCA Summer Fitness Challenge, it helps you and patients around the world to stay healthy.


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